Soft Selling With Social Media

by | Aug 4, 2009 | Upcoming Events

Last week my friends Nancy Marmolejo and Natasha Allrich hosted a hugely successful call The 4 Hidden Secrets to Turn Your Social Networking Visibility Into a Steady Stream of Profitability… without EVER Having to Push, Pressure, Spam or Pitch.

Did you miss the call? No worries, because Nancy and Natasha just announced an EXCLUSIVE encore call this
Wednesday August 5 at 3pm Eastern Time (New York).

Nancy and Natasha are ready to reveal even more secrets to their “Soft Selling With Social Media” strategy that is putting money in the pockets of high achieving, soul driven entrepreneurs.

Here’s what you’ll learn on this encore call:

  1. The 4 keys to turn your visibility into profitability using authentic strategies you’ll love
  2. Embarrassing mistakes even seasoned entrepreneurs make when trying to do business on Twitter, Facebook, etc. (they’ll have a great 1st hand confession on this one!)
  3. Missing pieces that can turn a 5 figure business into a thriving 6 figure business (how much are you losing by NOT knowing these?)
  4. Exactly what you need to turn your followers into loyal, ready to buy fans!

Click here to reserve your spot in this complimentary teleclass.

P.S. As you probably know (and may have experienced yourself first- hand) the hard sell approach with
social media is a huge turn off. Click here to get started on the right foot.

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