Social Media Telesummit Coles Notes

by | Jan 26, 2009 | Social Media | 1 comment

I’m at the half way point of the 2009 Social Media Telesummit, I’ve been blown away by the level of content presented by the faculty. And I’m equally pleased at how quickly attendees are embracing and implementing these ideas.

Here are some highlights from the 12 speakers:

  • Paul Colligan gave his tips on how he updates his status on dozens and dozens of social media websites in just 15 minutes per day.
  • David Meerman Scott gave his tips on how to create triggers online and get millions of people to share your ideas. David’s advice caused one attendee to completely change his launch plan regarding one of his products. David’s advice was so profound, it caused me to question everything I’ve been told about internet marketing.
  • Coach Deb shared her C.H.A.R.M. formula on how to create tribal seduction with people online.
  • The session that helped the 2009 Social Media Telesummit become one of the Top 10 most popular topics being discussed on Twitter was Scott Stratten. Scott shared how to make good investments in your social currency.
  • Adam Urbanski followed up with his advice on how to turn contacts into contracts. Adam’s advice went counter to what the previous speakers said because he gave a specific roadmap on how to present offers to your friends and followers online without pissing them off.
  • The biggest eye opener was from Chip Lambert who taught us how to use LinkedIn in a more strategic way. Chip shared the differences between Facebook and LinkedIn and why the way you use Facebook is NOT the way you’d use LinkedIn.
  • Lou Bortone started off Day 3 giving us a tutorial on how to use online videos to build your personal brand.
  • The Blog Squad shared their tips on how to get maximum visibility through your blog.
  • Fred Castaneda ended Day 3 teaching attendees how to create premium podcasts from information products.
  • Kim Dushinski, Shannon Cherry and Des Walsh spoke today (I’ll have summaries for these 3 sessions in a bit).

There’s still time to register your spot as we have 4 days and 12 sessions still left to go through live. If you can’t call-in to the live sessions, you’ll have unlimited access to the online recordings. Depending on the plan you purchase, you can download the recordings or have them mailed to your door on a portable media player.

Now, if you think that the 2009 Social Media Telesummit is only about listening to sessions over the phone, it’s much more. Attendees and speakers interact with each other in the private Facebook group and use a hashtag to share their discoveries and reactions on Twitter. It’s a 360-degree experience.

After January 30, 2009, you will not be able to register for the 2009 Social Media Telesummit. I’m serious, if you visit the sales page on January 31, 2009, the registration links will be gone. So head on over to the 2009 Social Media Telesummit information page and register your spot.

And if you’d like to see what’s up and coming on the 2009 Social Media Telesummit schedule, click here.

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1 Comment

  1. Kim Dushinski


    I have to say that the Social Media Telesummit is so amazing. It is blowing me away. I’m not able to listen live to most of the calls, so I am very grateful to be able to download the MP3s and have these other experts with me in my car all the time.

    Thanks for pulling the #SMT09 together.