Social Media Start Up Event for Newbies & Beginners

by | Mar 18, 2009 | Social Media, Upcoming Events

If you’re all thumbs when it comes to social media, I invite you to join me at my upcoming live event called:

Social Media Start Up for Newbies & Beginners

This event is being held live over the phone on April 7th @ 2:30pm ET. For those who live or work close to Toronto, I’m repeating the phone session live at a location in downtown Toronto on April 9th @ 7:30am ET. Oh, did I mention that you’ll be joining me for breakfast in Toronto?

If you consider yourself to be a social media newbie or beginner, join me at one of these 2 events by clicking here. Save $50 if you register your spot before Monday April 6, 2009.

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