Self Published Author Uses Podcasting to Win $10,000

by | Apr 30, 2008 | Podcasting | 1 comment

One of the people I profiled in my book Podcasting for Profit is Terry Fallis. When I interviewed him a year ago, he was using a podcast to share the contents of his newest novel, The Best Laid Plans.

At the time, he couldn’t get a literary agent to represent his title. Many were saying that the topic – Canadian political satire – was just too narrow of a niche to be of any interest to a publisher.

Well, Terry continued to use a podcast to share the contents of his book. People started to take notice. He built an audience and finally self-published his book.

This week, Terry found out that he won a prestigious book award called the Stephen Leacock Medal for Humour. Part of winning this award was getting $10,000. This on the heels of finally getting a literary agent to represent him.

I’m so proud of Terry on many fronts. But most importantly, I’m tickled pink that he used a podcast to indirectly profit from his passion. I wouldn’t be surprised if Terry donates a portion of his winnings to charity because he’s just that type of guy.

My advice? If every door is slammed in your face, don’t give up. As Terry shows, you can use a podcast to share your passion with the world. It may take a while, but soon people will notice.

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1 Comment

  1. step by step Income

    I have always been taught to never give up. Here I am at 42 saying the same things to my kids that my parents said to me when I was growing up, and seeing the same look on their faces that I am sure I had on mine when I was getting that lecture.

    There are many, MANY examples of people who never gave up no matter who said what or how many times they were rejected and today they are millionaires!

    I say good for you Terry! You knew exactly what you wanted to do and you went for it, no matter what!
