Sales Tip – How to Respond to Someone Who Punks You Off

by | Apr 9, 2008 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 6 comments

Shamus Brown (pictured left) over at The Shameless Sales Blog posted a strategy on how you can get customers to call you back.

I loved it and decided I would try it out on an event organizer. This event organizer has punked me off twice. He has a radio show and an organization where he holds monthly seminars.

Back in November, this event organizer double booked me on his Internet radio program. I’ll never forget it because it was a lousy day to drive as it was the first snowfall of the season in Toronto. People seem to lose their minds and all sense the Creator has given them when snow falls in Toronto for the first time in the winter season.

But, I digress…

So, I had to leave my home west of Toronto and drive 30 minutes into downtown Toronto just to find out that he “forgot” that he booked me as he climbed comfortably into his host chair with his guest, another author.

Fine, things happen.

Fast forward to April and I have a date booked to speak in Toronto for this same event organizer’s group. Now, before you say:

“But Leesa, I wouldn’t have done any more business with him if he double booked me.”

Hold your horses. He booked me in October 2007 to speak in April 2008. The radio interview was scheduled in November 2007. So, I asked my assistant to send an email to the event organizer to find out if we’re still on. She did so the week of March 21st.

No answer.

So, I called him yesterday. I need to know if we’re still on because I’ll have to ship some books in from my publisher. I got him on his cell phone and it seemed as if I was disturbing him. Doing as many teleclasses as I’ve done over the past 10 years has given me a great sixth sense when it comes to voice language (as opposed to body language, although I’m well versed in that as well).

When I asked him how much time I’ll have on April 22nd to speak, he bumbled through a rather inelegant answer, stating that he would need to move me to June. He asked if my assistant could resend the email and he would slot me into the speaking calendar.

As I hung up the phone, I didn’t feel good. I was actually pissed. A few hours later, I started kicking myself for not being bold enough to tell him that I was not happy about this.

I went to bed and forgot about it. Then, this morning, I read Shamus’ post in my feed reader. That’s when I knew I couldn’t let this go, so here’s the email I sent to the event organizer:

Subject: I’m not happy with you right now

Hi remove name, I thought about our conversation yesterday and I have to say that I’m not happy. I was double booked for your remove name radio show back in January and now, you’re asking me to yet again be accommodating and remove a date in my calendar that I booked off for remove name of organization.

I have really valuable information to offer to your audience. They NEED to know about podcasting. It’s a new and interesting way to market one’s business. You could position yourself as someone who provides timely and innovative information through remove name of organization. A topic on podcasting can help you do that.

So remove name, I have asked my assistant NOT to send you yet another email. When you can schedule me into the remove name of organization calendar and you can hold that date for me, contact me by email or by phone.

I now feel better. Thanks Shamus.

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  1. Step By Step Income

    I agree with the others, there is no way I would have given him the time of day after being blown off like that, like you’re not worth his time or the effort it takes to keep you on the show.

    Good for you and your letting him know where you stand!


  2. bruce

    You are right to have given him an ultimatum. He isn’t well organized and does not respect your time. Rather than being humble about it and apologize, he gaffed you off. Giving him a choice – all or none – is the right thing to do.

    Writing is the right way to go, it leaves a trail. No he said, she said stuff. If you don’t demand respect or at least common courtesy, you don’t receive it. Good Job. Thanks for letting us in on the story.

  3. Leesa Barnes

    @yatpundit, in my book it’s two strikes and you’re out. Unless I lost a ton of money, then it would be one strike and you’re out. The first time he punked me, I chalked it up to a mistake. The second time, it’s disrespect.

    @joan, I’ll definitely update the post when I get a reply.

    @dean, love your new blog. Thx for sharing the link.

  4. Dean

    Good job, Leesa. I can’t blame you for wanting to be on the show. Afterall, we all need the publicity and pay the bills. But good job on standing up as well. Kudos 🙂

  5. Joan Schramm

    You go, girl! Short, clear, professional and to-the-point. Rock on! I sure would like to hear any updates about his reaction.

  6. YatPundit

    I know there’s no such thing as too little publicity or exposure, but he double-booked you for Internet Radio?? That’s a rude thing for broadcast radio to do, much someone with a much smaller audience.

    I would have dropped him immediately, and also would give serious consideration to not redacting his name from the tale. Other authors deserve to be warned off of such practices.