Red Button Fatigue: A Source of Irritation for Highly Sensitive People Even In Times of Uncertainty & Chaos

by | Apr 8, 2020 | Highly Sensitive People

I feel my agitation rise at yet another notification…⁣

It could be a text, a Whatsapp notification, or breaking news from a news outlet.⁣

I have no clue. ⁣

All I know is that the buzzing sound makes my heart beat wildly.⁣

I’m not nervous at the ever-changing news about the pandemic.⁣

Instead, I’m anxious because I’m experiencing Red Button Fatigue (also known as connection fatigue or notification fatigue.⁣

As a Highly Sensitive Person who is also introverted, overstimulation is causing me to escape deeper into my inner terrain.⁣

I get that people want to share news, reach out, and get on the phone to chat.⁣

But I recharge alone, not within groups, and these requests to connect are leaving me exhausted.⁣

Yes, I could put my device on silent. ⁣

But I need to know what’s happening with my immediate family.⁣

Three family members are essential service, and one has to go outside their home every day. The one who goes outside every day to perform their duties exposes another family member each time they return home. Another three are in vulnerable groups.⁣

So, I’m worried about them.⁣

At the same time, I’m pleased that I have even one person checking up on me.⁣


I give myself permission to feel into this nuance. ⁣

Contentment at being part of a community that seeks my well-being – and – agitation at yet another notification popping up on my device.⁣

Any other highly sensitives struggling with this nuance?⁣

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