Recession Proof Your Business Hosting a Virtual Event, Part 1

by | Apr 7, 2009 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 5 comments

Hosting a virtual event is one of the best ways to make money. I have earned 5 and 6 figure paydays hosting virtual events.

Whether you hold an event over the telephone or using webinar software, you can attract leads and become a sought after leader in your niche hosting a virtual event.

Here are some of the benefits of why you should host and facilitate a virtual event for your business:

Benefit #1 – No travel
When I attend non-virtual events, I typically spend $2500 on just travel and accomodations alone (and this doesn’t include the registration fee to attend the event). With more businesses cutting back on travel, hosting a virtual event is a great way to share cutting edge information with others from the comforts of your home office.

Benefit #2 – Reach more people
If your goal is to be of service to a global market, virtual events help you do this. You will attract people from around the world because all they need to connect with you is their telephone or their computer. Hosting your own virtual event means that you’re not tied down to any location and gives you the flexibility to attract a world audience.

Benefit #3 – Time shifted learning
With a non-virtual event, attendees have to show up at a specific place and time to participate in the learning. With virtual events, you can record the content and make it available for attendees to access later on. I find that 75% of those who sign up for my virtual events do not call into the live call. If I didn’t make the recording available for download or playback, I’d be leaving a lot of money on the table.

In Part 2, I’ll share with you 3 more benefits to hosting your own virtual event. And in just a few days, I’m going to announce my most comprehensive product to date. It’s my step-by-step blueprint on how you can use virtual events to practically make 5 or 6- figures overnight. I’ve done it and I want to teach you how to do it too.

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  1. David Kamnitzer


    Is there any way to access the learning that occurred at the last
    Social Media Telesummit?



  2. Regina

    This is so cool Leesa! Thank you for the the tips. I look forward to part 2 and then new product announcement 😉

  3. Sandra Baptist

    OMG! This is perfect timing. Just completed my sales page for my Financial Prof. Telesummit I am holding.

    Excited to see what you have to share.

    Sandra B

  4. Christie

    Great article Leesa! I also can’t travel to due health issues and I know a lot of mamas have small babes and can’t ravel so virtual conferences just open it up to so many more people.


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