Podcasting Is Dead Is An Attempt to Link Bait

by | Sep 30, 2007 | Podcasting | 1 comment

I will no longer link or comment on any posts that claim that podcasting is dead or dying. I’m just tired of it. It seems that some announcements trigger this, such as:

  • Yahoo closes its podcasting directory and now podcasting is dead.
  • Some guy steps down as CEO of some podcasting company and now podcasting is dead.
  • Podshow gets a new round of venture capital funding and now podcasting is dead.
  • Google Trends shows that there has been less people searching for the word podcasting in its search engine and now podcasting is dead.
  • Amanda Congdon is no longer with ABC and now podcasting is dead.

I’m tired of it. Bloody tired. And every podcaster who continues to flame some idiot who claims that podcasting is dead is only adding to this ridiculous argument. You see, when some tool or some person involved in podcasting fizzles, it’s not a sign that podcasting is going away, it’s a sign that something that wasn’t doing it for podcasting is going away.

Here’s what Chris Doelle had to say on his blog about this phenomenon:

“When the XFL crashed and burned it wasn’t a sign that football was dead… ever hear of a little thing called the NFL? It was a sign that IT SUCKED!! Sure, there were one or two cool things about it, just as there were one or two good things about the Yahoo! Podcast Directory. It takes more than one or two things to make something great.”

Thank you Chris. Awesome comparison. And now, I close the book on the “podcasting is dead” argument. Your attempt to link bait will stop with me. I will no longer take the bait.

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1 Comment

  1. Dave Jackson

    Amen Sister!
    You mean the directory that they never finished building, never put on the front page? The one that was hard to find and delivered (I’m guessing) less than predicted results? From the company that hasn’t been to the last two Podcasting Expos? (After throwing one of the biggest party at the first one?). I’m so surprised.

    Dave Jackson


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