Podcasting for Profit Breakfast Seminar (Toronto)

by | May 21, 2008 | Upcoming Events

Today is the launch of my Podcasting for Profit Breakfast Seminar tour. Over the next 6 months, I’ll be visiting a variety of cities throughout North America to teach you how to boost sales, make money and get known fast using a podcast.

The first breakfast seminar takes place in Toronto on Wednesday June 25 July 23, 2008 from 7am to 9am. The Podcasting for Profit Breakfast Seminar is your roadmap to success. I will show you how you can use a podcast to shake up your sales and marketing strategy.

In just 2-hours, you’ll learn:

  • The #1 way to produce a profitable podcast that meets the demands of a hungry audience
  • The three ways to make money with a podcast that doesn’t include advertising or sponsorship
  • What Fred Flintstone & Barney Rubble can teach you about why people consume a podcast
  • How to easily convert your podcast into multiple streams of income
  • Learn why most podcasts don’t make money and how you can ensure your podcast isn’t another financial failure
  • How you can use what Oprah’s using to stand out and build an audience of raving fans

To register for this event, click here. I’m planning stops in Phoenix, Las Vegas, Baltimore and Knoxville. I’m currently working on 4 more cities, so be sure to check the page often.

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