Penny Pinching Publicity with Shannon Cherry

by | Jun 4, 2009 | Upcoming Events

Shannon Cherry is launching a new membership program called Penny Pinching Publicity (love the alliteration) and has asked me to share my wisdom during one of her monthly membership calls.

I’m going to talk about the 5 ways you can attract leads using social media. It’s a perfect tie-in with publicity. I’m not sure how you can register for this program, but I’ll find out and post the link here.

If you’re curious about what Penny Pinching Publicity has to offer, it is your template in a box. In other words, imagine having all the resources in place to get your publicity machine working for you. No struggling to write a good press release. No worries about finding media contacts. NO hassles on figuring out how to do marketing that attracts customers and clients. That’s what Penny Pinching Publicity is all about. It’s like having your own PR consultant on speed dial.

Each month, you’ll learn tactics and skills to get you and your business noticed by journalists in your own backyard – and across the country. You’ll save thousands by doing exactly what PR firms do without hiring a PR firm!

If you want access to my session, plus all the other goodies in Shannon’s club, click here to start your membership.

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