My 7 Big Takeaways from Virtual Event Boom

by | May 12, 2010 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

I absolutely love hosting virtual events and Virtual Event Boom is no different. Why? Because I get to sit back and be a student as I listen to speaker after speaker share their gems and insights.

I’d like to share with you my big takeaways from Day 1 & Day 2 of Virtual Event Boom.

  1. Milana Leshinsky shared her #1 tip on how you you can make your virtual event stand even when there’s so many out there (this gem was so good, I asked those listening not to tweet it out – and no one did).
  2. Why using a hybrid event strategy will help you fill both your virtual and non-virtual events with ease (Maria Gamb, Kim Duke & Mary O’Brien).
  3. Why it’s okay to use long sales as it creates safety for the person buying (Mark Silver).
  4. Tina Forsyth and Cindy Greenway‘s favorite conference bridge line and webinar tool (even I was blown away by their choice).
  5. Vocal exercises that will help you confidently tackle even the most intimidating guest in your virtual event series (Susan Bratton had me doing these which prompted an attendee to request a back up orchestra on Twitter).
  6. I shared never before heard content from my 2nd book Multiple Streams of Virtual Event Income due out this Fall.
  7. The only tool you’ll need to measure how well your virtual event is doing (Andrea Blackwood-Harriott).

Also, attendees received a conference bridge line & webinar platform comparison guide, daily action guides to help them implement what they’re learning and additional resources & handouts from the speakers.

I’m looking forward to Day 3, 4 & 5 in the Virtual Event Boom series. Here are the sessions that I’m excited about on Day 3 of Virtual Event Boom taking place on Wednesday May 12, 2010.

  • 12pm Eastern: Alicia Forest will share how to get any speaker to say yes to your virtual event invitation.
  • 1pm Eastern: A panel discussion on how to hire the right virtual event help so you’re not doing it all alone.
  • 2:15pm Eastern: Helen Graves will teach you Launch Secrets for the Heart-Based Marketer: How to Quickly Sell Out Your Next Virtual Event (Even If It’s Your First!).
  • 8pm Eastern: I will debut a new application called the Virtual Event Sales Page Creator. Only Virtual Event Boom attendees will get the beta copy of this new tool.

I’m sharing all this with you in hopes that you’ll make the decision to join me and other attendees behind the walled garden. You can still register and listen to the remaining live sessions, PLUS get access to the recordings of the sessions I mentioned above. Click here to register your spot.

And if you’ve been attending the series so far, please leave your comments below to let me know what you’ve been learning. If you’re still on the fence, follow the conversation on Twitter as attendees tweet their reaction to what they’re hearing.

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