MOMeo Telesummit

by | Oct 19, 2009 | Upcoming Events

What fun! My friend, Carla Young, is hosting a virtual event geared to moms called the Momeo Telesummit. I speak on October 28, 2009, however, this virtual event starts on October 19th and goes until October 30th.

Although I’m not a mom, I still have challenges with my time. So, too, do all the other moms speaking at this wonderful virtual event. The trouble with time is that there just plain isn’t enough of it. That goes double for busy moms who are doing double duty – raising a family AND building a business.

So what’s a busy mom to do? One word: LEVERAGE!

Starting October 19th until the 30th, join the MOMeo LEVERAGE Virtual Telesummit. Find out how you can get more for your TIME, more from your MARKETING and more from your BUSINESS MODEL during the MOMeo LEVERAGE Virtual Telesummit!

Track #1: Get MORE for your Time

  • Put a stop to the enemy of productivity…procrastination
  • Apply simple efficiency principles to your daily routine
  • Build and leverage the help of a Virtual Team
  • Just plain Get MORE Done
  • Develop systems and processes for every aspect of your business!

Track #2: Get MORE from your MARKETING

  • Tap into Social Currency using twitter and facebook
  • Turn your web site into a sales funnel
  • LEVERAGE your sales
  • Use podcasting to dramatically expand your reach
  • Tap into FREE publicity worth thousands of dollars in exposure
  • Build and leverage your company brand

Track #3: Get MORE from your BUSINESS MODEL

  • Multiply your revenue streams
  • Build and sell a business for pure profit
  • Create ongoing revenue with a community model
  • Add affiliate marketing to your business
  • Organize multi-speaker events

PLUS – a special bonus call exclusively for participants who purchase the entire telesummit. Joe Abrams, who co-founded and sold MySpace for $580 million, will be sharing how to build a business worth selling.

***Special early bird pricing***

Register anytime between NOW and October 19th using the special promotion code SUPERMOM, and you will get 25% OFF the entire telesummit PLUS exclusive access to our bonus call with Joe Abrams!

Click here to check out the entire speaker line-up plus get the full scoop on the bonus session with Joe Abrams.

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