Meet Your Inner Oppressor: The Part of You That Bullies, Guilts, and Tempts You Into Submitting to the Dominant Culture

by | Jul 26, 2020 | Inner Field Trip

Meet your Inner Oppressor.
Your Inner Oppressor is designed to bully, guilt, and tempt you into submitting to the dominant culture.⁣⁣
It keeps your biases hidden so you conform.⁣⁣
It keeps your boundaries weak so you #PeoplePlease.⁣⁣
It masks your sensitivities so you ignore injustice.⁣⁣

All to keep you safe, secure, and sheltered.⁣⁣
But instead of feeling protected, you feel tense, trapped, and tired.⁣⁣
Your Inner Oppressor isn’t going away.⁣⁣
You can’t bully it to behave differently.⁣⁣
You can’t cite positive affirmations to change its oppressive mindset.⁣⁣
That’s because your Inner Oppressor lives in your soul, and not in your head. ⁣⁣
It will forever be a part of you.⁣⁣
To protect your energy, stand on the side of justice, be a better ancestor, and release your obedience to the dominant culture, you need a soul-based process to meet your Inner Oppressor.⁣⁣
One way is to use guided prompts to focus it on a particular bias or oppression. ⁣⁣
Then use stream-of-consciousness writing to capture what your Inner Oppressor says, not from a place of judgement or criticism, but curiosity. ⁣⁣
Click here to get started on your own Inner Field Trip.⁣⁣
What would be different in your life if you stopped believing the LIES your Inner Oppressor is telling you?⁣

[image of a stick figure on a green background that says “Hi, I’m your Inner Oppressor. I’m that part of you that bullies, guilts, and tempts you into submitting & conforming to the dominant culture.”]⁣

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