Meet Faith – The Body Confident, Plus Sized Superhero

by | Sep 8, 2016 | Innovative Ideas, Science Fiction

If you’ve ever seen female superheroes, they’re typically unnaturally thin with unnatural curves.

Well, meet Faith…

Faith is a body confident, plus-sized superhero who is turning every comic book stereotype about the female body on its head.

Faith will have her own show on MTV…

According to MTV:

Faith is so much more than her body: She’s smart, gregarious and an unapologetic nerd — the essential components for true badassery. Faith was first featured in Valiant’s “Harbinger” series, but is getting her own spotlight in an upcoming miniseries set to debut in January 2016.

She acts just like any other superhero – you know, saving people, fighting villains, and showing vulnerabilities. The only difference is that she’ll look a tad bit different physically from other superheroes. And this shouldn’t dim our enthusiasm for Faith one bit.

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