Maestro Month

by | Sep 22, 2009 | Upcoming Events

The conference bridge line service I’ve recently fallen in love with – Maestro Conference – is hosting a virtual event in October called Maestro Month.

I invite you to attend my session called Virtual Event Profits: How to Make 5 or 6 Figures Hosting a Multi-Speaker Virtual Event at 3pm ET on October 28, 2009. Register your spot for this free teleseminar.

I’m delighted to be selected as a speaker along with world-class leaders such as Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Michael Port, Michael Bernard Beckwith, T. Harv Eker, and John Gray (full list below).

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These free virtual trainings in health, personal growth, business, spirituality and societal change feature more than a dozen NY Times bestselling authors, all helping you to unleash your full potential. I’m excited to be part of this group and to introduce you to more of their work.

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On these calls, you’ll find out why I love using Maestro Conference so much as you’ll get to experience it as an attendee. This new technology allows you to engage with me and other attendees on the calls as if we’re in a live workshop, with breakout groups and more.

In my own calls, I’ve started to make them more interactive because I believe people learn best when they’re dialoguing about what they’re learning, which is what MaestroConference makes possible.

Register now to gain access to my teleconference and up to two other free calls during MaestroMonth. You can also participate in as many calls as you like with a $1 trial membership. In addition, there are eight free gifts from participants and sponsors.

Oh and here’s a full list of the teachers during Maestro Month:

Health: Deepak Chopra, John Gray, Candace Pert, Olivia Newton John & John Easterling, Judith Orloff, Joan Borysenko, Norman Shealy, Eric Pearl, Len Saputo, Mary Shomon, Jennifer MacLean, Lee Gerdes, Mona Lisa Schulz

Personal Growth: Debbie & Arielle Ford, Dan Millman, John Assaraf, Hale Dwoskin, Vishen Lakhaini, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dave Ellis, Brian Johnson, Mike Robbins, Tripp Lanier & Jayson Gaddis, Zen DeBrucke, Amy Ahlers

Business: T. Harv Eker, Michael Port, Robin Sharma, Lance Secretan, Chip Conley, Ray Blanchard, Jeff Hoffman, David Finkel, Lynne Twist, Mari Smith, DC Cordova, Cynthia Kersey, Charlotte & Laura Shelton, James Malinchak, Bettie Spruill, Rinaldo Brutoco

Spirituality: Marianne Williamson, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Andrew Cohen, James Twyman, Genpo Roshi, Andrew Harvey, Carter Phipps, Lisa Schrader, Paul & Patty Richards, Ron Alexander, Lauren Mackler, Paul Hoffman, Ellen Debenport, Nicole Daedone, Stephen Dinan & Devaa Haley Mitchell

Societal Change: Gregg Braden, Seane Corn, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Jean Houston, Starhawk, Aqeela Sherrils, Azim Khamisa, Steve Bhaerman, Fred Johnson, David Cooperrider, Anodea Judith, Lynne McMullen, Richard Rudd, Miki Kashtan, Stacey Lawson

Special track for Entrepreneurs: Sharon Drew Morgen, Morgana Rae, Ken Foster, Leesa Barnes, Garrett Sutton, Larry Ousley, James Burgin & John Ward, Steve Maxwell, Leslie Grossman, Brian Burt

Special series for Facilitators: Harrison Owen, Juanita Brown & Nicole Boyer, David Isaacs, Diana Whitney, Christine Whitney Sanchez

Campaign Sponsors: Gaia Soulmates, EnlightenNext

Click here to register now

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