List Attraction Week

by | Feb 22, 2010 | Upcoming Events | 2 comments

I don’t know about you, but the old way of building your list is now passe. You know, give a PDF ebook in exchange for an email address. Yup, that’s as old as newspapers.

And if you’re like me, you probably have quite a number of folks following you on Twitter or on your friends’ list on Facebook. Yet, very few of them are in your email database list.

Well, I’ve found a unique way to convert those fans, followers and friends into high quality prospects to my list. And I’ll be joining a fabulous faculty of women, led by Gina Bell, who’ll all share their unique list attraction strategies with you.

The List Attraction Week, taking place March 8-12, 2010, is a virtual summit where you’ll say buh bye to turtle-paced list growth and jump start your list so you can save time, attract clients and make more money.

Experts such as Andrea J. Lee, Michele PW, Kim de Young and yours truly are just a small handful of the many experts who will share their secrets to EVERY aspect of effective list building, including:

…autoresponders, double opt-ins, squeeze pages, ethical bribes/freebies/pink spoons, ezines/newsletters, virtual events, joint ventures, speaking, article marketing, blogging, social media, follow up strategies
and much, much more.

Click here to register your spot. You can listen to all the sessions for free and from the comforts of your home or office.

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