Is Typepad Finally Making Podcasting Easier?

by | Mar 26, 2008 | Podcasting, Social Media | 1 comment

I got an email this morning from Six Apart, the makers of Movable Type and Typepad blogging systems. Apparently, they’ve made some cool changes and one of them directly impacts podcasting.

Over the past 3 years, the only blogging platform I’ve recommended for podcasting is WordPress. I tried to add podcasting to Typepad and it was so difficult. I had to rejig this and rejig that and at the end of the day, I still had to use a flash player from another service within Typepad just to make my audio file visible and playable in my post.

Fast forward to today and it appears that Typepad has finally woken up. There’s a plugin that enables you to add podcasting easily to Movable Type. I’m going to poke around Typepad and provide a screencast of what I see. Maybe, there’s hope for Typepad afterall.

Hey Andy! Maybe Six Apart could use the advice from a podcasting expert? Let them know that I can help.

Update: Bryne, the creator of the podcasting plugin for Movable Type, let me know that his plugin is only for Movable Type. As I re-read my last paragraph, I can see there’s a bit of confusion. So, let me just clarify. Although both Movable Type and Typepad are made by Six Apart, both are different blogging platforms. There’s a podcasting plugin for Movable Type, as I noted above. So far, I haven’t seen one for Typepad. So, I’m going to investigate whether or not there’s a podcasting plugin for Typepad. It’s been 2 years since I’ve used Typepad, so I’m going to take a peek. Anyone willing to create a guest account for me on their Typepad account so I can poke around?

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1 Comment

  1. Byronious

    I think both and will solve this problem, but will cost you some extra $$.