iPhone Is For Sale in Canada, But…

by | Apr 3, 2008 | Uncategorized

A couple weekends ago, I went to Pacific Mall. It’s huge mall in north Toronto that has predominantly Asian shops. It was busy that weekend and I found out that it’s open 365 days a year – even on statutory holidays. So, on Easter Sunday, I went with my sisters to Pacific Mall because really, I had nothing else to do.

I couldn’t believe some of the “deals” I saw in the mall. You can get a Playstation for $400 and get 30 games for free. Or, you can get 8 movies on DVD for $20. Some of them are blockbusters that are playing in the theatres and aren’t even on DVD yet.  Or, designer handbags that clearly state “For sale in Japan only.”

I stopped in a few electronic stores to marvel at some of the prices on blank CDs, MP3 players and laptops. Some of them are selling the iPhone too. The price? $588 CDN.

In the US, the 8GB iPhone sells for $399 USD. Even with the conversion, if I buy the iPhone in the Las Vegas when I’m there next week, it’ll cost me $402 CDN.

So, while we continue to wait for the iPhone, I’ll see what I can do to speed it up. I mean, because people see me as a podcasting expert, I need to keep on top of these new gadgets, right?  I need to report to you how to refine your podcasts so they can be heard and seen on the iPhone, huh?

Photo courtesy of Algami 

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