Indie Business Radio

by | Apr 20, 2008 | Upcoming Events

I will be appearing on Indie Business Radio on Monday, April 21 at 1:00pm EST on to talk about Podcasting For Profit.

Hosted by Donna Maria Coles Johnson, the founder of the Indie Business Network, Indie Business Radio offers practical advice and workable strategies to achievement-oriented, independent entrepreneurs (Indies) who are trading in the traditional corporate ladder to enjoy life and business on their own terms.

Jamila White, the Ecommerce Diva, will be the guest host on Monday’s show. She’s going to grill me on the following:

  • Is it expensive to get started with a podcast?
  • What are the most common podcasting mistakes to avoid?
  • How can businesses sell products and services through a podcast?
  • And how did I get started with podcasting?

I invite you to join me live on the show and call in with your questions. Go to Indie Business at 1:00pm EST and click on the Listen Live link. If you want to ask your questions live, call (800) 773-0355.

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