How Your Values Influence Your Virtual Event or Telesummit Success

by | Dec 29, 2011 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 3 comments

After reading Simon Sinek’s book Start With Why and Daniel H Pink’s Drive, I was reminded about my own reason for producing telesummits and multi-speaker virtual events for my clients.

In the video clip below, I share why it’s important to understand how your values influence your telesummit and virtual event success. I have 7 values in total – abundance, connections, vitality, faith, excellence, freedom, joy – and in the vide, I explain how my first value, abundance, helps me produce successful telesummits.

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What are your values? Please list 3, 5 or 7 below. The ideal number is 5, but if you’re having a hard time narrowing it down, don’t exceed 7. Click here to see a list of values to help you define your top 3, 5 or 7 (opens in a new window).

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  1. Jacko

    Its important to start with values because you will have a reminder of what is important.  Good post. 

  2. Carol Bremner

    I’m glad you are planning to do more speaking in the coming year, Leesa. You really have a gift for it.

    • Leesa Barnes

      Thanks Carol. Hopefully, you’ll be able to join me live as I’m going to broadcast live from a downtown Toronto location. I’ll share the schedule once it’s firmed up.