How to Write an Earth Shattering Episode Title

by | Apr 9, 2008 | Podcasting, Social Media | 1 comment

This week’s issue of Make Selling Fun & Profitable will include some tips on how to write an earth shattering episode title.

Last week, I shared 2 tips in Part 1. Here are the tips I shared in last week’s ezine:

  1. Put the episode number at the end.
  2. Make sure your episode title contains keywords.

If you want to find out what 2 additional tips I’ll share in Part 2, join the ezine list by filling in the box below. It will be sent to you on Thursday April 10th.

Make Selling Fun & Profitable Ezine

Enter your first name and email below to receive the ezine sent each Thursday.


I do not grow my business using spam. I won’t share, rent or give away your email address even if someone promised me a four course meal (and I love food).

Photo courtesy escortmad79

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1 Comment

  1. Monique Caradine Kitchens

    Once again, you hit the nail on the head with this one. I tried it today and it worked! Instead of calling my podcast episode “MoTalks,” I called it “5 Ways to Get Instant Publicity for your Business.” In just one day, I got the number of downloads I usually get in a week. I also made money because several people signed up for my teleclass and my list grew significantly. It’s funny how small things make such a difference.

    Even though I’ve been podcasting since September and I took your class in November, I’m finally executing it the right way. I get it now! Thanks again for your insight. You have a perpetual student in me!


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