How to Use Twitter to Launch Your New Book

by | Mar 26, 2008 | Social Media | 2 comments

I started using Twitter about a year ago while writing my book. At first, I didn’t like it. But now, I can’t get enough of this little tool.

Twitter became my outlet for bellyaching about the book writing process. Unbeknownst to me, my complaints on Twitter were being followed by others to the point that people started to ask me when the book would be released.

My twittering created anticipation and I credit Twitter for being one of the tools that helped me sell 900 copies of my book in the first 30 days without leaving the comforts of home.

What did I do with Twitter? Here’s a snapshot:

I also used Facebook to update my status (that’s before I used the plugin to connect the 2 together) and I used my podcast to explain concepts and get feedback.

My advice? Complain about the process in your tweets. You will create a following quickly and subsequently, sell many books.

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  1. book marketing newbie

    Great advice, I’ve heard a lot about Twitter, but never in the way that you talk about it. Seems like you found a great new marketing tool for books – I’ll have to try it when my book comes out later this summer.

  2. Aspire

    You can also do this for a blog. I have a personal twitter account and never thought about getting a separate account for a blog until I saw a webinar on microblogging and figured out I could have my blog posts also show up on twitter.