How to Use Podcasting and Social Media to Beat Any Economic Downturn

by | Apr 15, 2008 | Social Media | 1 comment

I’ve seen alot of people talking about using podcasting and social media to recession proof your business. While I respect their opinions and think it’s all good advice, many are simply jumping on the bandwagon.

A recession is only one economic downturn that a business will face. There are also times when a business will go through weeks of not seeing any money, despite how healthy the economy is.

That’s why on Wednesday April 16th @ 8pm EDT, I’m going to talk about the 3 ways to use podcasting and social media to beat any economic downturn. I will help you understand in this FREE 75 minute call how to survive when your business goes through a few of months without any money rolling in.

So join me for my free call on Wednesday April 16, 2008 at 8pm EDT (New York time). You can get the call in details by clicking here. Only those on the mailing list will receive the recording and transcripts.

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1 Comment

  1. Bruce

    What about your rss list?