How to Use a Contest to Engage Attendees During Your Telesummit or Virtual Event

by | Jun 14, 2011 | Virtual Events & Telesummits

I signed up for the Purpose to Profits Telesummit to do some behind the scenes investigating. To be honest, I sign up for every telesummit that comes across my Google Alert for “research.”

One thing I like about what the hosts, Miki Strong & Martina Srblin, are doing is how they’re engaging attendees (I also like that they’ve secured sponsorship for their free telesummit). It can be frustrating to host many sessions and not get any feedback or comments from attendees, even if you provide them with the means to connect with each other.

Miki & Martina have solved this by running a contest. Attendees are encouraged to post their a-ha’s and breakthroughs on Facebook, Twitter or by posting a video on YouTube. The hosts will then choose 3 winners and gift them one of the passes to the telesummit. These passes will give the winners access to the downloadable recordings and the other features, such as transcripts, spotlight laser coaching and a homestudy program, depending on the level of the pass that’s won.

To see how you can model this for your own telesummit or virtual event, check out the Share & Win page by clicking here.

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