How to Remove the Stench of Mediocrity from Your Next Telesummit

by | Jul 8, 2010 | Upcoming Events, Virtual Events & Telesummits | 1 comment

I love telesummits. However, the current model is no longer working. When my friend, Milana Leshinsky, pioneered the telesummit format back in 2005 with her Coaching Telesummit, it was new, fresh and innovative.

Since then, many have gone on to create their own telesummits in various niches. Yet, as the years wore on, so did the telesummit novelty. Five years later, people are crying out for a refresh of the model that has become stale and tasteless.

Does this mean that telesummits no longer have a place? On the contrary! It’s still the BEST online marketing strategy to date. And over the past 12-months, I’ve worked on a dozen or so telesummits where my clients have pushed the envelope, changed the game and broke the rules.

While many are decrying the telesummit model, the telesummits my clients are hosting are:

  • Standing out in the marketplace
  • Helping them to share their mission with a worldwide audience in a cost effective way
  • Allowing them to create more spare time in their calendar for fun
  • Helping them attract the attention of movers and shakers in their niche so they can create profitable joint ventures
  • Earning them mucho mucho dollars that supplement and skyrocket their income
  • Making it easier for them to create their tribe online

If you’re open to learning how to make your next telesummit stand out, join me on Wednesday July 21, 2010 at 8pm Eastern where I’ll share some strategies with you.

I’m calling this audio training:

How to Remove the Stale Stench of Mediocrity from Your Next Telesummit So It Stands Out, Makes You Money, Frees Up Your Time for More Fun & Helps You Share Your Mission

With all this doom and gloom about the state of telesummits, don’t you deserve to find out what it takes to make yours more profitable? If so, click here to find out how you can get the call-in details for this audio training taking place on Wednesday July 21st at 8pm Eastern.

I look forward to hosting you on this engaging and interactive call.

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1 Comment

  1. Leesa Barnes

    Update: This call has been reduced to 30-minute and there are only 10 spots available. If you on my fan page or if you've added your name to the list, you would've received info on how to register for one of these 10 spots. So, get yourself on one of these lists so you can get more info.

    If it's time for a Telesummit Refresh, it's also time for a Preview Call Refresh as well.