How to Market Using Virtual & Non-Virtual Events

by | Feb 1, 2011 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 1 comment

I’m being a bit more selective about the events I speak at.

In fact, I wrote on my blog that I’m not available for speaking gigs in 2011 due to a few projects that I’m working on.

But I made an exception for Bernadette Doyle, the UK’s leading online marketing expert.

Not only is she just so amazing, but she said I could talk about the one thing I’m passionate about right now…


Bernadette – who specializes in attracting clients like a magnet – has invited me – and 9 other marketing experts – to share our tactics on how you can make money from live events like seminars, workshops and training courses.

This virtual event is completely unique because it focuses specifically on making your virtual and non-virtual event successful.

Here’s just part of the star-studded lineup:

Bernadette Doyle, Tom Terwilliger, Bob Oros, Callan Rush, Travis Greenlee, Carolyn Blunt, Stephen Beck, Jeremie Miller and Andy Harrington…

…And yours truly!

It’s a global Who’s Who of How to Market Using Virtual and Non-Virtual Events.

And here’s just a sampling of what we’ll cover:

  • How honesty can potentially hurt your event and business planning process … and how you can turn this completely on its head!
  • How past successes can undermine your future success, and how to stop that cycle in its tracks.
  • How to know whether you should speak about that topic you’ve been considering.
  • The top 3 reasons business owners fail when trying to get a paid speaking engagement.
  • How to most effectively use “word of mouth marketing” to fill your next workshop.
  • A magical, 4-step process to triple your results through email marketing.
  • An automated method of turning live webinar trainings into a ton more cash.
  • How to “train” your audience to purchase your service packages from your life simulcast.
  • 6 steps to building a strong offering for your audience.
  • The single most powerful mindset shift you must make to be extremely successful.

I know you’ve probably passed up half a dozen telesummit invitations that came through your inbox in the past week. After all, who ISN’T offering a telesummit?

But I know the team who’s organizing Bernadette’s telesummit (nope, it’s not mine) and they’re doing an amazing job.

That means that Bernadette is walking my talk. In other words, I can happily speak at her virtual event knowing that as the thought leader, Bernadette knows the value of outsourcing the setting up of her virtual event to her team.

I can stand in integrity and in my truth knowing that Bernadette is doing exactly what I’m telling thought leaders to do.

Plus, I know Bernadette wouldn’t put together an event that wasn’t different, amazing, and completely powerful.

Plus, you can tell from the event line-up that the other top names in marketing take her seriously, too – so trust me, you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity to learn exactly what it takes to turn your event into a powerhouse.

To get information about the virtual event, click here.

PS. You should know that I’m an affiliate of Bernadette’s and if you buy something from her now or in the future, I will receive a commission. Click here for more info.

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