How to Handle the #1 Telesummit Pricing Objection

by | Sep 21, 2011 | Virtual Events & Telesummits

Once you price your telesummit, you are bound to get an email from someone who raises an objection. When a prospect says “No” to your prices, don’t take it personally.

Objections pop up out of fear.

They also happen when the prospect is confused about what you’re offering. And when the prospect takes the time to write you with their objection, it means that the they really want to sign-up for your telesummit, but need you to confirm that they’re making the right decision.

I’ve uncovered 5 telesummit pricing objections and here’s the top one below:

Objection #1 – “I’m Going to Be Overwhelmed with So Much Content”

Why this pops up: Some prospects will see the number of sessions and get overwhelmed. In this case, you simply need to give them a plan on how to consume the content so they register for your telesummit.

Your suggested response:

“Thank you for your feedback. Here’s how I suggest you consume the content – choose the 3, 4 or 5 sessions that you want to hear live so you can ask the speaker questions directly. Then, for the rest of the sessions, catch up by listening to the recordings on your own time. That will help you stay in control of both your time and your schedule. I invite you to go to [insert URL of payment page] and sign up before the deadline of [insert deadline].”

There are 4 additional objections that always pop up and you’ll get this swipe file if you invest in Telesummit Pricing Secrets. Click here to indulge in this program.

Are there other telesummit or virtual event pricing objections that you’ve had to deal with and if so, what was your response? Please share it below.

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