How to Handle Negative Comments in Social Media (or How to Box Like a Girl)

by | Apr 1, 2009 | Social Media | 11 comments

The more people who belong to your social media network, the higher the chances that you’ll attract haters – those who will find fault with everything that you do.

When you become the focus of negative comments on a blog, on Twitter or on Facebook, it can be a shot to your confidence. However, the way you handle the negative feedback in social media will determine whether you fan the flame into a bonfire or if you extinguish it right away.

Watch the 3-minute video below to find out how you can use the B.A.R. approach the next time you’re faced with negativity. I use boxing as an analogy to help you understand my 3 step process for dealing with someone’s hateful comments.

What are some of your tips for handling negativity in social media?

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  1. Cathy

    Great Advice Leesa,

    I also just learned the hard way not to react right away. It just makes people more defensive.

    Thanks for tips.


  2. Louis

    Thank you. A very useful advice.
    I could add that before responding, do the following:
    put this story mentally on a shelf and come back to it the next day; my guess is that you won’t look at it the same way.

    If you’re in the hurry, do some EFT (emotionial freedom techniques),
    it works quickly and gently

  3. dejon97

    Wow! Great advice. The deliver was very effective – succinct, easy to remember, and perfect analogy.

    I agree with mose that you will never please everyone. Just be true to what you are doing and let the haters hates.

    Follow me @dejon97.

  4. Juergen

    Hi Leesa,

    great strategy

    and use such situations for your advantage, for marketing – kick back!

    Nice video! Thanks.

  5. Martia Nelson

    Fabulous tip! Thanks, Leesa.

  6. Terri Camp

    I would add one more thing for self-preservation. Don’t allow the negative judgments (misjudgments) to fester inside or you’ll be knocked out well beyond the count of ten.
    Get up – dust off – and live to fight another day!

  7. Cyril

    good points.

    love the technique!

  8. Heike Miller

    Love it! Great strategy, Leesa. It’s so easy to get upset and vent that disappointment, but it won’t get you anywhere. Better thinking about it and approaching it strategically.

  9. Karen Bierdeman

    Hey, Leesa!
    Great video! I love the B.A.R. approach! Thanks for sharing!

  10. mose


    I loved that.

    Can I add a couple of things?

    1 – You will never please everyone. Expect criticism and as you have pointed it out – deal with it. Opinions are good.

    2 – If you have something that never gets criticized – is that cause folks don’t care? You have to have a stance and sometimes folks don’t agree. I say that’s terrific. We will all learn that way.

    Oh, and for the large clients – this is a great avenue for learning customer experience – welcome what the folks say and Leesa as you said if it has merit – fix it.

    Way ta go!! Sugar Ray-ette!!!

  11. Stephanie Ciccarelli

    Hi Leesa,

    This is so true! Thank you for including boxing in this lesson. What a neat way to present what we should do in such a situation.

