How to Enroll Attendees Into Your High-Paying Programs After the Telesummit is Over

by | Aug 31, 2011 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 1 comment

Most people have no clue what to do with attendees after their telesummit is over.

I’ve been teaching my clients a powerful strategy to move attendees into their high-income programs so they make-money BEYOND admissions, but sometimes, they get stuck on how to have that conversation to enroll them as a paying client.

I think of it as a “moment of truth,” because this is the time that your potential client is hovering on the verge of saying yes to a big positive change in their life.

And if you didn’t make much on upgrades with your telesummit or virtual event, the next chance to recover your time & expenses is to move attendees into a mastermind, coaching or consulting package.

But in reality, this is what happens most of the time:

  • They go away telling you “I need to think about it” and you never hear from them again. (And the thought of chasing after them feels yucky)
  • Your prospective client says “I don’t have time right now” and gives you some excuse as to why
  • They tell you “I can’t afford your services” – and it’s frustrating not knowing what to say in response

It really doesn’t have to be that way.

With the right approach, you can learn how to increase your success with consultations while being your authentic self – without feeling pushy or awkward.

That’s why I want you to meet my friend, Bill Baren, who has a proven step-by-step method to enroll high fee clients from 1:1 consultations and EVEN from teleseminars and speaking engagements.

I invited Bill to reveal his most powerful strategies for getting people to say YES! to your services in a special teleclass.

By using these strategies, 80% of the prospective clients Bill talks to say YES to hiring him as a business coach. That’s what led Bill to dramatically expand his business (with 4 coaches on his team) AND have a waiting list to get in to work with him.

Join us for a one-time FREE teleclass called…

“How To Enroll New High-Paying Clients Without Doing Any Selling”

Wednesday, August 31st at 11:00am Pacific / 2:00pm Eastern

Click here to register your spot for this FREE call.

Here is just some of what Bill will share on this content-rich teleclass:

  • Bill’s most powerful step-by-step formula for leading prospective clients to “YES” – it works anytime, anywhere. (This is the true key to radically increasing the number of people who hire you during consultations)
  • How to turn the dreaded response of “I can’t afford it” into the perfect opportunity for you to enroll a new client right on the spot.
  • The #1 thing you need to do in your consultations so that clients say yes to your services (it’s not what you think).
  • Is fear of rejection or lack of confidence stopping you from getting clients? Bill will show you a simple fear-busting technique you can use right away.
  • Bill’s super easy method that you can use during free consultations that can DOUBLE the number of prospective clients who hire you.

If having consultations that turn into clients is a skill you know you need to learn (or improve), I highly encourage you to make time to be with us on this call.

Bill will show you EXACTLY what to say to enroll new clients 80% of the time or more. And it’s not pushy, so it’s perfect if you have an aversion to having to “sell” yourself or your services.

One of the things I so appreciate about Bill is how much value he gives in his calls.

So register now so that your place on the call is reserved, OK? (You’ll get the call recording too, so be sure to register if even if you might have to miss the call)

As a thank you, you’ll also get Bill Baren’s “5 Steps To A 6-Figure Income Through Masterful Enrollment Conversations” Guide, which shows you how to use masterful enrollment conversations to create a 6-figure business. Click here to get your complimentary copy of this ebook (a $97 value).

(BTW, if you can’t make the call live, register anyways as only those on the list will get access to the recording)

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1 Comment

  1. Juanita Waterman

    Do you have the call recorded?