How to Develop a Success Mindset

by | Mar 12, 2009 | Uncategorized | 3 comments

I’m a firm believer that surrounding yourself with beautiful things helps to not only recharge your batteries, but also to help you create a success mindset.

Take a look at the gorgeous items that help me stay motivated and energized in this episode of Marketing Fit TV.

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  1. Terrance Charles

    Leesa, nice blog and nice post. That’s true, your only as effective as what you are surrounded by. Having a comfortable setting gives you a clear mind, and a sense of acheivement, it paints that picture in your mind that this is what you surround yourself with so you stay motivated and positive.

  2. Dali Burgado

    Hi Leesa,
    Ambiance does make a big difference in creating the success mindset 100%. I’m going to have to tell my local networking peeps to find a room with fresh flowers for our Friday meetings 🙂

    I appreciate you.

    Dali Burgado

  3. Walt Webb

    Hi there Leesa, I hope this note finds you well. We follow each other on twitter. Thought I would say hello. I use a platform called GCT Resources to help market my sports blog and another business I am in. I would be interested to see how you market yourself with podcasts and social networking.
    Cheers Walt
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