How to Create a Punchy, Pithy and Profitable Podcast Intro

by | Mar 12, 2008 | Podcasting | 3 comments

Last week, I was in conversation with a colleague of mine. She was pretty much exhausted with the whole podcast production process.

In particular, she wasn’t sure what type of intro she should create for her podcast. She didn’t know whether her intro:

  • Should be long or short.
  • Should include music or not.
  • Should change it from week to week or just keep it the same.

In this 5 minute audio, I share with you a few keys on how to make your podcast introduction a success. Learn what costly mistakes you need to avoid so you can grow your audience.


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  1. Dean Owen

    Good tips. A musical theme is an important branding tool. The challenge is to avoid making the intro sound like thousands of other podcasts out there. The intro should also fit the content – calming, punchy, radio like (sound effects etc), no music . . . the intro is the hook element of the podcast. For first time listeners you need to grab their attention or they’ll move on to the next podcast.

  2. Chuck Bartok

    Thank you Lisa for your great presentation.
    I appreciate your Candor.


  1. Leesa Barnes - Podcasting Expert and Author of Podcasting for Profit » How to Create a Punchy, Pithy and Profitable Podcast Outro - [...] 20, 2008How to Create a Punchy, Pithy and Profitable Podcast Outro Last week, I shared with you some tips…