How to Choose a Webinar Platform for Your Virtual Event

by | Aug 30, 2011 | Virtual Events & Telesummits

I don’t cover nearly enough webinar success secrets on this blog and I get alot of questions inquiring about webinars. So, in a Getting Acquainted session a few weeks ago, Roberta Budvietas asked me what is the best way to choose a webinar service and with her permission, I recorded that part of our conversation.

Choosing a webinar platform isn’t easy to do, but if you ask the right questions, you’ll choose one that fits with your needs and that of your target market. Take some time to listen to the 16-minute non-downloadable audio recording below for my tips.

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After listening to the audio clip above, what other advice can you give about choosing a webinar platform? Please provide your responses in the comment area below.

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