How to Become a Trending Topic on Twitter Using Hashtags

by | Dec 10, 2008 | Social Media | 5 comments

A few weeks ago, I used a Twitter Hashtag called #smmb during my virtual event called Social Media Marketing Blueprint. Towards the end of the live call, it became a trending topic on Twitter Search. That means it was one of the Top 10 most talked about topics on Twitter.

Making the top 10 trending list on Twitter is key as it brings additional traffic to your event. If it makes the trending list, it means that there’s a buzz going on and people will want to know about it. The curiosity prompts people to follow the conversation on Twitter which then prompts them to register for your event.

About 2 weeks after the Social Media Marketing Blueprint teleclass, I ran another virtual event called Social Media With Curves using the hashtag #smwc. This event also become a trending topic on Twitter Search.

Here’s the screenshot from which tracks trending topics on Twitter on a hour by hour basis. You’ll see my event #smwc listed below under Blu-ray, Dark Knight and Santa.

I’ve been trying to figure out the best practices when using hashtags as this is now the 2nd event I’ve hosted that has made the top 10 trending list.

The problem is that both events had totally different factors:

  1. Both were run at different times. I ran the Social Media Marketing Blueprint call in the morning at 11am EST, while the Social Media With Curves was held in the evening at 8pm EST.
  2. Both had different price points. The Social Media Marketing Blueprint call was free while the Social Media With Curves event was $27.
  3. Both had different number of participants. Over 300 people registered for the Social Media Marketing Blueprint and we maxed out all 200 phone lines. The Social Media With Curves had just under 100 people registered with half calling into the live event.

How does one then become a trending topic on Twitter so you can boost attendees to your event (virtual or offline)?

  • Encourage interaction. The reality is that people are not 100% focused on any particular session at an event. So, celebrate the multi-tasker and encourage attendees and speakers to tweet their reaction to the event. In essence, encourage everyone listening to pass notes during the session.
  • Teach what hashtags are all about. Not every Twitter user understands what hashtags are or why they are important. Spend a minute at the beginning of your event explaining this. Your attendees will reward you with loads of tweets.
  • Just pray that a major news event doesn’t trump your “trending topic” attempts. I’ve been fortunate that there wasn’t a plane crash, an Obama muckup or a Britney Spears melt down during my events. It helped me to ascend to the Top 10 trending topic list with ease.

The first time, it’s a fluke. The second time, it’s a curiosity. The third time, it’s a system. Let’s see what happens when Part 2 of Social Media With Curves rolls around on December 16, 2008.

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  1. Brenda Heisler

    Hi Leesa,

    This was a good article. I can see how using hashtags can create a buzz. This week I’m going to follow some hashtags and see what I can learn from observing.

    Your info is very valuable to a person wanting to go to the next level.

  2. Dusnonnobby

    Using internet is simple as hell. But I can tell y ou right now, it can be very hard, if you are the first time user.
    So, first thing I suggest – open the Explorer, and type in the address you like.
    You’ll get there really fast, it depends on your connection speed.
    Good luck.

  3. Lisa Sonora Beam

    Hi Lisa!
    I did everything you said! Check out #align.

    Not to pity myself at all, but…I’m afraid my little topic on creativity and business was trumped by the news today about US Airways plane crash in NYC. Good news, all passengers/crew rescued!

  4. Xavierism

    Thank you for sharing! It’s so wonderful to learn and share from others. Wishin’ you the best for 2009!

  5. michele price

    I love your perspective and how you give usable information in your posts.



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