How SpotlightU Helped Me Fill a Program 30-Days Before the Training Started

by | May 4, 2011 | Upcoming Events | 3 comments

A year ago, I launched a program and no one registered. I know product launches like the back of my hand, so I was flabbergasted when no sales poured in.

Then, I got desperate. I launched program after program. Still no one signed up. 2010 turned out to be one of the most miserable years since being in business. My confidence took a hit and I was doubting my own expertise. When my Fall 2010 workshop didn’t fill, I knew something needed to change.

That’s when Nancy Marmolejo launched one of the most innovative programs I’ve seen to date. She called it SpotlightU and invited me to take the assessment. I was filled with doubts, but given that I hit rock bottom in my business, I took the assessment.

What happened after that I describe in the video below. I share how Nancy’s SpotlightU shifted one thing in my marketing which helped me to fill a program 30-days before the training started. And I attracted to the program exactly the type of person I really want to work with.

Click here to register for Nancy’s no cost call. If you miss it, sign up anyways so you can get the recording.

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  1. Anonymous
  2. NancyMarmolejo

    Wow, Leesa! I said it on Facebook and I’ll say it again here THANKS for stepping forward and taking Spotlight U, thanks for this amazing testimonial, and thanks for breaking down exactly what you got from the experience. It really is transformational, that’s for sure!

    • Leesa Barnes

      Thank you for your innovation and for the exciting program.