How Home Office Fitness Will Improve Your Virtual Events: Part 5

by | Dec 5, 2009 | Uncategorized, Virtual Events & Telesummits

Home Office Fitness Expert Scott TousignantHi there. This is Scott Tousignant here to wrap up my blog tour. I hope that you have taken action and put the exercises and home office workouts into practice. This week I have shared the many ways that home office fitness will improve your virtual events, neck and shoulder exercises that you can do at your desk, how your virtual event audience will absorb your information better, and the benefits of breaking fitness into small manageable chunks.

My goal has been to help you adopt a balanced and healthy lifestyle that will put you on the road to transforming your business, fitness, and life. Focusing on your fitness will improve your business. Your health is really the #1 asset in your business. Fitness will increase your productivity, and energy, while improving your focus, clarity, time management and quality of work. Plus, when you have your health you will enjoy your business successes even more and get the most enjoyment out of life.

Take a moment to think about why you started conducting virtual events. Was it for the freedom that it would create in your life? Was it a tool to help you fulfill a life’s purpose of helping others live the life that they deserve?

If you have financial freedom but you sacrificed your health to achieve it, are you really free? Do you finally have the freedom to spend time with your family, but you don’t have the energy to spend really fun quality time with them? If you don’t have your health you don’t have freedom. If you have allowed yourself to gain weight and let your health slide in your efforts to get your online business rolling you are robbing yourself of the quality of life that you truly deserve. Is that a harsh statement? Maybe. But I have witnessed it happen to many of my Internet Marketing friends and it’s actually happened to me…

During the first year of transferring my offline fitness business into an online fitness business I gained over 30 pounds. If it can happen to me it can happen to anyone. I was a completely different person when I was carrying around that extra 30 pounds of unwanted body fat. I had no energy to play with my kids, I was embarrassed of my body and refused to take my shirt off, my confidence plummeted, my relationship with my wife changed because of my lack in self-confidence, I was unfocused with my work, and incredibly unproductive.

I feel incredibly lucky to have a supportive wife who wasn’t afraid to step up and ask me if I was happy with the life that I had created for myself? She was concerned with what would happen if I continued on this downward spiral with my health. If it went on any longer, I’m sure that I would have lost some credibility with my fitness blog readers. It’s amazing how you can hide 30 pounds, but any more would have been a challenge for me.

As you can see, although my fitness business was becoming successful, my life was not a success. I was not free

Now lets touch on your life’s purpose. Conducting virtual events is a great way to touch the lives of many people. If you have vibrant health and energy how would that help you fulfill your life’s purpose? Will your positive and enthusiastic outlook attract the right people who can help you along your journey? Will you be able to accomplish more in less time, achieving your goals faster than you ever imagined? How will vibrant health help the image that you are portraying to those whom you wish to help?

Whether your life’s purpose is to build schools in Africa, help get the homeless off the streets in your home town, end world hunger, help people live the life that they deserve in the body that they deserve, or save the environment… your health will play a key role in helping you fulfill it.

Health is everything. It’s not something to take for granted and then wish that you had done something to improve upon it earlier in life. It impacts everything that you do. Your fitness has more to do with your business than you can imagine. It’s time to make it the #1 priority in your life and stop putting it off. You don’t need to wait until New Years Eve to make a resolution of getting back to the gym. You can begin right now, right there in your home office. Put the exercises that I have shared with you into practice right now. There really is no better time than this very moment.

If you need a little more motivation to get started and finally put an end to your excuses I have a great free report to share with you. It’s the Fat Loss Quickie Motivation Report.

If you are ready to take your health to the next level, transforming your fitness, business, and life then check out the Fat Loss Quickie home office fitness program today. See for yourself how others just like you are getting more done in less time and creating the live that they deserve.

Thank you for letting me into your home office and introducing you to the many benefits of home office fitness. It’s been a blast.


Scott Tousignant

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