How Home Office Fitness Will Improve Your Virtual Events: Part 4

by | Dec 4, 2009 | Uncategorized, Virtual Events & Telesummits | 4 comments

Home office fitness experts Scott and Angie TousignantHi there. This is home office fitness expert Scott Tousignant with another guest post to help you increase your productivity and become Marketing Fit! So far this week I have been sharing fitness tips to help make your virtual event the absolute best that it can be by increasing the energy and focus of both you and your audience as well as aiding them in absorbing the information that you teach.

Today you will discover a simple trick to help you get more done in less time throughout your busy workday so you are not so overwhelmed by the time your virtual event rolls around. Conducting your virtual event only covers a portion of the work and effort that goes into it. You also need to contact your guests, do your research on their area of expertise, maybe even listen to a previous event that they had been a guest on, schedule the event, send them the details, prepare the questions, prepare any necessary handouts, and so much more.

You need to be on top of your game even when you are not conducting your virtual event. You need energy and focus throughout your entire workday. The simple trick that I use to keep me operating at my best is to break fitness into small manageable chunks throughout the day.

When you sit at your desk for extended periods of time you can become fidgety and easily distracted. Taking a 2 minute quickie fitness break each hour will help you gain mental clarity and keep you on target with the important tasks that you must complete for the day. Allow me to share four simple exercises that you can easily add into your daily work routine.

Home Office Fitness Break

You may download this video by right clicking and saving Office Workout

The exercises demonstrated in this video all target your ‘core‘ which includes your abs, obliques, and lower back. As a homepreneur it’s important that you take care of your ‘core’ muscles because sitting at your desk all day sure takes a toll on them.

Performing quick home office workouts throughout your day is a great way to build a healthy habit. A typical workout program may recommend that you exercise for 45 minutes three times per week. That means that there are four days out of the week where fitness and your health is not on the top of your mind, which makes it much easier to fall off the wagon.

Incorporating fitness into your daily work routine is one of the absolute best strategies for keeping health at the top of your mind. It becomes a way of life for you. It’s the ultimate balanced approach to fitness for the busy homepreneur.

Give it a try. Enjoy a quickie fitness break each hour of your workday today and let me know how it affects you.


Scott Tousignant

PS Another benefit of breaking your workouts into small manageable chunks is that it keeps your metabolism revved up all day long. You’ve got to love that!

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  1. jessicaburke88

    I love this article! Thanks for sharing. I try to do this all the time. I usually take walks during lunch.

    I find it helps my body and my mind focus more.

  2. Jessica

    I love this article! Thanks for sharing. I try to do this all the time. I usually take walks during lunch.

    I find it helps my body and my mind focus more.

  3. jessicaburke88

    I love this article! Thanks for sharing. I try to do this all the time. I usually take walks during lunch.

    I find it helps my body and my mind focus more.

  4. Jessica

    I love this article! Thanks for sharing. I try to do this all the time. I usually take walks during lunch.

    I find it helps my body and my mind focus more.