How Home Office Fitness Will Improve Your Virtual Events: Part 3

by | Dec 3, 2009 | Uncategorized

Home Office Fitness Expert Scott TousignantHello. My name is Scott Tousignant, your guest blogger for the week. Up to this point I have been sharing home office fitness tips that will make a positive impact on your performance during the virtual events that you conduct. Today I would like to share some tips to help your virtual event attendees get the absolute most out of your event.

As a reader of Leesa’s blog I’m sure that you are passionate about the content that you deliver during your virtual events. I’m also certain that you would love to see your attendees absorb all the information that you deliver, immediately put it into practice, and experience great success. You sincerely care about your fans, you want the best for them, and you know that your information will greatly benefit them. But they need to take in the info and apply it in order for them to experience these benefits.

One of the best ways to aid your audience in absorbing the information that you share during your virtual events is to recommend that they perform a fast fun home office fitness session prior to the event.

When your attendees exercise prior to your virtual event they will be more attentive and become better equipped to handle any problem solving tasks that may be necessary during your event. The increase in oxygen flow allows their brain to function optimally so they can easily absorb the content that you are teaching. Their spirits and energy will be high, which makes them more likely to apply the information immediately.

Here’s a quickie cardio session that you can recommend to your virtual event attendees prior to your class. They can perform it right in their home office.

Pre Virtual Event Quickie Cardio

You may download the video above by right clicking and save Quickie Cardio

The benefits of performing this quickie cardio session will carry over for several hours, helping your attendees become super-focused and highly productive.

As I mentioned earlier, I understand that you sincerely care about your fans. When you recommend that they perform a 10-minute home office workout prior to your virtual event they will see just how much you care about them and want them to make full use of your teachings so they can experience great success.

I know that you care about more than just seeing your fans earn more money online. You want them to experience a great quality of life. By recommending that your audience incorporate home office fitness into their workday it’s one more way to show them how much you care about them.

You can also recommend that your virtual event attendees listen to the mp3 recording while they go out for a brisk walk. Once again, the increase in oxygen flow to their brain while they are walking will help them absorb your content better. Plus, because your content is so great they’ll want to continue walking until the recording is done. If your recording is 60 minutes long, chances are pretty good that they’ll be walking 30 minutes longer than they typically would.

Listening to your virtual events can provide great motivation in helping your fans live a healthy and active lifestyle.


Scott Tousignant

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