How Home Office Fitness Will Improve Your Virtual Events: Part 1

by | Nov 30, 2009 | Uncategorized, Virtual Events & Telesummits

Scott Tousignant Home Office Fitness ExpertHi there. I’m Leesa’s friend Scott Tousignant and I’m super excited to be a guest blogger here this week. I’ll be sharing many tips and tricks to help you make your virtual events even more successful by incorporating fast, fun, home office fitness into your busy workday.

Let’s kick this series off with an overview of the positive impact that home office fitness will have on the success of your virtual events. First let’s take a look at the four key areas that experience the biggest benefit…

1) Increase In Energy: After you perform a quickie home office workout you will experience a boost in energy that will last for hours. Your energy level has a tremendous impact on the success of your virtual event. If your energy levels are low your audience will pick up on it. This may even effect their energy levels, bringing them down too. This obviously is not a good thing when you want them to be excited and enthusiastic about the information that is being shared.

If your energy levels are high your audience will feel it. This creates a much more positive experience for them. They’ll be sitting at the edge of their seat in anticipation for the next golden nugget of information that you will be sharing with them. When your energy levels are high, your audience is more likely to participate and even offer feedback when your virtual event has come to an end.

2) Increase In Focus and Clarity: One of the key factors to a successful virtual event is focus. If you as the host are distracted or your mind is full of clutter and overwhelm from your day, your attendees will certainly sense your clouded attention. If you are unfocused, your audience will be unclear on what you expect them to do next.

Home office fitness is an outstanding strategy to clear your mind and help you focus on the task at hand. If you have had a busy and stressful day, a fast fun home office workout can erase it, providing you with a fresh start. The increase in oxygen flowing to your brain will increase your alertness and cognitive function. With home office fitness you are creating the perfect environment for your mind to flourish.

3) Increase In Confidence: After performing a quickie home office workout you’ll experience a great sense of accomplishment. You’ll feel proud of yourself. You’ll feel great physically and mentally. You’ll be excited to know that you are on the path to creating new healthy habits. And you’ll be certain that you have done something great for yourself.

This boost in confidence will have a tremendous impact on the success of your virtual event. Your audience will recognize it in your commands and in the delivery of your content.

4) Mood Picker-Upper: Getting physically active is one of the easiest and fastest ways to improve your mood and lift your spirits. It releases those feel good endorphins providing you with a natural high. When you feel like you are on top of the world your enthusiasm and excitement will become contagious. Your passion will shine. Your willingness to help others will become obvious.

When your audience feels your energy, receives focused guidance, recognizes your confident authority, and experiences your upbeat mood and personality, they will become incredibly eager to come back for more. You are creating an experience for them with your virtual event, not just sharing information. How you deliver the information may have a bigger impact on your audience than the information itself.

It’s time for you to experience the positive impact that home office fitness will have on your virtual events. Here’s a home office workout that requires very little time, very little space, and no equipment other than your own body weight. Give it a try and make note of the improvements in energy, mood, and focus.

Your Virtual Event Home Office Workout

If you would like to download this video and play it on your computer simply right click and save Home Office Workout

The exercises included in this workout are…

Up and Downs: This is a great exercise to get your blood flowing, working your legs and providing a nice cardiovascular benefit.

Horizontal Horse Stance: This exercise is fantastic for working your ‘core’ and improving your balance. What really makes this exercise wonderful is that it stimulates your nervous system and forces your brain into become ultra alert. This is ideal before your virtual event.

Prisoner Squat: Another great exercise that works your leg muscles and gets your heart pumping.

Heel Slides: This is another great exercise that works your ‘core’. My clients have found this to be one of the best exercises for eliminating their lower back pain. This is ideal for us busy homepreneurs.

Running on the Spot: This exercise will really boost your heart rate making this workout very cardiovascular in nature.

To experience the full impact of this workout simply repeat this cycle two more times for a total of three circuits.

Fitness really can be fast, fun, and convenient when it’s designed to suit your lifestyle. Throughout this blog series I’ll be sharing more workouts and exercises that will make a very positive impact on your online business and quality of life. I take a balanced approach to fitness, business, and life and I hope that it rubs off on you during my visit here at Virtual Event Success.


Scott Tousignant

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