How Does Money Drama Show Up?

by | Mar 6, 2013 | Unleash the Flow of Money

Now that we understand the root cause of our money drama, what is not easily known is how money drama shows up in our lives. Because we have gotten so used to our situation, it’s tough to see through and pinpoint the chaos that exists in our lives.

Money drama doesn’t just affect your money. You’ll find that money drama is a symptom of a larger problem going on. In other words, if money is tight, then something in your life isn’t right.

What the word wealth really means.

In her book The Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship With Money and Life, Lynne Twist states that wealthy is more than money.

“The word wealthy has its roots in well-being and is meant to connote not only large amounts of money but also a rich and satisfying life.”

Money drama is not only the chaos around your finances, but it’s also the chaos in your relationships, your mental health, your emotional state, your physical health and your creativity.

The area where you’ll experience brokenness is the are you value the most. If that area is going well, it represents security, safety and peace. If it’s not going well, you’ll experience instability, trauma and strife. As you try to fix the area that’s causing you agitation and discontent, your money is affected.

How money drama shows up…

Here are just some of the ways brokenness shows up in the areas I mentioned. You’ll then see how these areas of brokeness can impact the health of your wealth.

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Social Brokenness

  • Teenager causes family strife due to bad behaviour
  • Spouse seems distant, cold and uncaring
  • Family members are not speaking to each other
  • Clients refuse to speak to you after the project is done
  • Joint venture partners ignore your requests
  • Church members don’t show you any love
  • Friends stop calling and reaching out to you


Physical Brokenness

  • You have a nagging health problem that won’t go away
  • A family member falls ill and is hospitalized
  • No matter how well you eat, you can’t lose weight
  • No matter how much sleep you get, you’re still tired


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Emotional Brokenness

  • Anger seems to be your constant friend
  • You’re constantly envious of what another person has
  • You can’t remember the last time you were happy
  • You can’t connect with anyone on any level
  • You scoff at another person’s misfortune


Mental Brokenness

  • A cloud seems to stay over you for months
  • No matter how many pills you take, you can’t get any relief from the depression
  • You constantly fantasize to escape your reality
  • You have thoughts of suicide or to cause harm to someone else


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Intellectual Brokenness

  • You feel stuck in your current job or business situation
  • You can’t find your purpose, even after going through a season of prayer
  • Where you were once creative, you no longer have the desire
  • You scoff at your own goals and ideas
  • You’re unable to create ways to bring your innovative ideas to market
  • You’d rather waste time watching television than read books


Spiritual Brokenness

  • You have gone days without consulting with God through prayer
  • You find the Bible boring and don’t open it at all
  • You no longer go to church because everyone’s a hypocrite
  • Or, if you go to church, it’s simply a place to socialize with others and not to connect with God
  • You question the validity of faith and the very existence of God


But you can claim victory over money drama

Any of the issues above can bring on money drama in the form of increased debt, depleted savings and the need to drive yourself to earn more and more just to cover your expenses.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Because we serve a risen Saviour, we can simply go to Him to ask for guidance over the area of brokenness that plagues our lives.

Awareness is the first step. If your money is tight, it means an area of your life isn’t right. You know which area that is. I encourage you to take it to Lord in prayer. If you’re stuck on what to say, use the words below as your guide:

Lord, I know that there’s some money drama in my life. I see it, I feel it and it’s leaving me feeling frustrated. I know that you’re the Healer, you’re my Friend and you’re my Counsellor. Lord, I first ask that you forgive my sins so this prayer can be heard. I also ask that you heal my area of brokenness. I ask for victory over [insert the area of brokenness here]. I believe that You have healed me. I believe that You will guide me to victory. I believe that You will transform this area of brokenness into riches. I leave the solution in Your Hands, dear Lord. I rest knowing that the way has already been made. Amen.

Share your story below.

If you’re experiencing brokenness right now, say the prayer above. If you’ve experienced victory over your money drama because you’ve experienced healing over an area of brokenness, share your testimony below. Let’s use the space to encourage each other on this journey.

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