How Being an Outsider Makes Me Fit In, Part 2

by | Nov 7, 2010 | Uncategorized

I was asked a rather intriguing question on Twitter by themediamaven. It was so intriguing, her question prompted my video response in Part 1 which you can view by clicking here.

In Part 2, I explain how I was able to direct my message to an audience that was open to listening. Like themediamaven, I initially targeted CEOs of big companies, but I soon realized that this audience didn’t want to listen to me. Then, I started networking with other “geeks” in my industry, but soon realized that this audience didn’t want to listen to me either. Or, they did listen to me, but didn’t refer business my way (that’s a long story that I’ll share with you one day – some incredible lessons).

It was only after I started doing one key marketing strategy that my audience appeared. Watch the video below to discover my discovery.

Leave your thoughts and meanderings below after watching the video above.

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