Hot Pink Success Telesummit

by | Apr 18, 2008 | Upcoming Events

On May 6, 2008, I will be speaking on how to make money using podcasting and social media at a virtual event called Hot Pink Success Telesummit.

Now, I was a bit skeptical at first due to the title of this event, but after speaking with Sarah Robinson, the host, I knew I had to participate. Sarah’s energy is so infectious. She’s absolutely passionate about the direct selling business, which is who this event is for.

Not only did I like Sarah right off the bat, but the roster of speakers convinced me that I had to participate. Here’s who’s speaking at Sarah Robinson’s event in May:

  • Les Brown, motivational speaker
  • Michael Port, author of the newly released Beyond Booked Solid (I own a copy)
  • Lorrie Morgan-Ferraro, otherwise known as Red Hot Copy
  • Keith Ferrazzi, author of the bestselling book Never Eat Alone (I read it – totally awesome)
  • Andrea Lee, author of Multiple Streams of Coaching Income (I read it and Andrea’s book totally changed my business)
  • T. Harv Eker, author of Millionaire Mindset (I read it and it totally changed the way I manage my money)

What an awesome line up. Although the event is geared to those in the direct selling market, Sarah made a “listen only” option available to you so you can attend FOR FREE!

Even if you’re not a direct seller, I know you can glean some success tips from these success coaches and millionaire experts.  Click here to attend this event.

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