Have You Used Both Virtual & Non-Virtual Events to Grow Your Biz & Income?

by | Mar 23, 2010 | Virtual Events & Telesummits

A week ago, I published a blog post on Why Hybrid Events Are Nothing New. Got some great feedback. Well, now, I’d like to put together a panel featuring people who have used virtual events to fill non-virtual events eg. a workshop, seminar, etc, or vice versa.

To be clear, I’m looking for those who have used this as a strategy in growing their business and/or income. I’m not necessarily looking for people who put them together. Booking a room or calling the caterer isn’t what I’m looking for.

Instead, I’d like to feature business owners who have hosted virtual events, such as virtual group coaching programs, virtual bootcamps, virtual workshops and have used them to feed people into non-virtual events, such as a reunion event or a 3-day workshop hosted in a city.

If that’s you, drop your name in the comments area below or click here to open a ticket on my helpdesk.

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