Gain More Visibility with

by | Mar 26, 2008 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 3 comments

Two days ago, I had no clue who Peter Shankman was. I read a post on Dina’s blog about a new website called

I signed up on Monday and discovered that a guy named Peter Shankman created this website after his Facebook group grew too large for Facebook to handle (don’t get me started about Facebook).

So, using a term that Andy has on his blog, I now have a professional crush on Peter Shankman. When you sign up for (and you will, right?), you’ll see what I mean.

So far, Peter sends about 2 emails a day that contain queries from journalists who need to interview people for an article they’re writing. There have been some really niche requests, such as:

  • From a parenting magazine – “Looking for an expert to give advice on how parents explain airport security to young children”
  • From a national publication – “Need to interview someone who’s been a victim of medical id theft”
  • From a fund report – “Looking to interview someone that works with hedge funds to discuss preferential redemption rights” (what the?)

Not only do you get to scan the different queries that come via email, but you get a dose of Peter’s humour. Peter is hella funny. Quirky, funny and witty. It comes through in his emails and on his blog.

So, if you are looking for ways to increase your visibility, sign up at Peter’s quirkiness is just a bonus.

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  1. Karen Swim

    Hi Leesa,

    I too have a professional crush on Peter. I’ve been raving about him so much, people are starting to wonder. Peter has graciously tapped into the power of social media which is really connecting people with people. Dwannn Holmes Olsen sent me a link to your site and I’m very glad she shared. Right on for sister link love.


  2. Dwann


    I just read your post and was THINKING the exact same thing! I JUST found out about him too and JUST got a forward from a friend regarding his “
    I love it …especially as a former tv reporter/anchor who NOW is a social media hound AND am often looking for reporters to pitch my clients to.

    Dwann Holmes Olsen

  3. Dina at

    Leesa, you just made me laugh. “Professional crush…” ala Andy Wibbel?? Pretty funny. I may borrow that, with due credit of course to all.

    Funny stuff, thanks for coming by