Friday Funnies: You’re the Expert, So Give Me Your Expertise

by | May 30, 2008 | Uncategorized

This came through the helpdesk about a month ago. Name withheld.

So I did a search on “podcast expert” and there you were. I’ve been teaching myself about RSS and podcasting over the last 2 weeks.

I have tons of information, it’s just not all fitting neatly in my brain. I consider myself a seasoned Internet marketer, and a fast learner, I’m only just getting into podcasting.

Here’s what I’m hoping to achieve, without knowing if it’s possible:

I want to record and upload a mp3 files to my wordpress blog, then link to it in a post. I would like that mp3 automatically submitted to podcast directories… or whatever it does. This is where I get lost.

All these podcasting services say “Post it, then we take it from there.” What does that mean?! Is it included in my RSS feed? Is it submitted somewhere? Once I publish a post, I know its also in my feed, but what happens after that? Am I supposed to submit it somewhere?

I am also curious as to if there are any “podcast blogs” that are designed specifically for podcasters. Upload an mp3 file, title, description, then BOOM… traffic. Is there anything like that?

And FeedBurner. Wow, it really looks like a great service, but to a beginning podcaster, not very clear on whats going on here. What benefit do I have with a feed generated by FeedBurner over the feed I already have with wordpress?

Thanks in advance,
[name withheld] 

Wow! He had alot of time on his hands to type up this ticket. Too bad I don’t have as much time to type up a response.

I could easily point him to my freebie page that lists a whole bunch of plugins and resources to use. If it were that easy, I would’ve responded, but if you read his request, he wants to understand how everything works. That takes time.

Like him, I always want to dig around under the hood to see how things work. Once I “get it,” I can then delegate to someone else. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to answer questions on that minute level.

So, what was our reply?

Leesa no longer conducts one-on-one coaching sessions, but has a coaching club that will answer all of your questions and then some. To find out more about Six-Figure Podcasting, go to

You might also be interested in Leesa’s book, Podcasting for Profit. If you go to you can download the first two chapters for free.

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