Friday Funnies: Give Me the Coles Notes for Your Book Please

by | May 16, 2008 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

I got a rather interesting ticket via my helpdesk about a couple months ago. I won’t identify the sender, but I will publish the request in its entirety.

My name is [name withheld]. I recently heard your interview and I love your ideas! Can you help me get started with podcasting? We have a very genuine and unique product line. I feel our customers and the world would benefit from our product(s). I really DO NOT have the time to sit and read a book, however, I do have the time to get instructions on how to get going with this adventure. I really feel I could use your help. Can you dedicate a few hours for my project ?

Now, why would I find this particular ticket interesting? It’s this line:

I really DO NOT have the time to sit and read a book, however, I do have the time to get instructions on how to get going with this adventure.

(**sigh**) The problem is that all my tips, tricks and tactics are IN THE BOOK. The time it would take me to get this chap going on this adventure would be equivalent to him just buying the book and reading it.

In essence, he was asking for the coles notes for Podcasting for Profit, only he wanted the coles notes delivered by me over the phone. Unfortunately, the coles notes just doesn’t exist either on paper or via a private 1-to-1 with me.

Our reply?

Thank you for contacting us, but Leesa no longer does one-on-one consultations or coaching sessions. She does have a podcasting membership that might be of value to you. There are monthly training audios, and the blog is full of valuable information about how to make money podcasting. You can get more information about it at

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1 Comment

  1. Tynisha

    Oh, this is indeed very funny.
    That’s the point of buying your book. By the way do they call them “cole notes” in CA? It’s Cliff Notes over here.