Friday Funnies: Give Me All Your Products for Evaluation

by | May 23, 2008 | Uncategorized

This ticket was opened in April. Again, I will withhold the name, but will publish the ticket in its entirety:

Please send me a copy of your various podcasting info products so I can determine the potential for me being an affiliate to promote your work to the nearly 2000 practitioners I’ve trained worldwide. Most want  to increase their business using the internet and I believe podcasting may be one important aspect of their efforts.
God speed
[name withheld] 

(**sigh**) There are many problems with this request:

  1. You can only become one of my affiliates after you’ve bought a product. I made this change because I found that the affiliates with top sales were the ones who already used the product personally.
  2. I don’t just send out my products at no charge to anyone. Well, not true. I’ve sent out review copies of my book to people who I know are influential in their industry. The factors I use to determine influence are subjective, however, one criteria is that I know who you are and I contact you first.

Our reply?

Our affiliate program is open only to current customers. You will receive an invitation to join our affiliate program after you’ve made a purchase. We recently made this change because we find that the best people to refer our products and services to others are those who have used them personally.

BTW, Leesa’s book, Podcasting for Profit, is an inexpensive way to discover what podcasting can do for your business and those who you trained. You can download 2 free chapters at to get a taste of all the great content that is waiting for you in her book.

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