Free Preview Call

by | Jan 15, 2009 | Upcoming Events | 1 comment

The 2009 Social Media Telesummit starts on January 21, 2009 at 12:00pm EST. I’m jazzed and excited about this event because it brings together some of the top minds in the social media space.

I’m holding a free preview call on Tuesday January 20, 2009 at 8:00pm EST where I’m going to interview 3 people on how they’re using social media to boost their business. I’m interviewing Dulcita Love, Steve Ulrich and Carol Soares. Each attended the 2008 event and registered for the 2009 Telesummit.

I’m also going to use this time to answer the frequently most asked questions about the 2009 Social Media Telesummit. You’ll have a chance to ask me these questions directly, so if you’re on the fence about attending the Social Media Telesummit, you’re invited to join me on this call.

To get the call-in details, click here then scroll down until you find the sign up box.

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1 Comment

  1. Dulcita Love

    Leesa, It was an honor to be one of your guests on the Preview Call for the Social Media Telesummit 2009. I loved hearing how others are using Social Media for their businesses and also the thoughtful questions coming in from the listening audience. It’s going to be a great event! Dulcita Love @dulcitalove