Feature Your Clients or Coaches to Combat Virtual Event “Speaker” Fatigue

by | May 18, 2011 | Virtual Events & Telesummits | 2 comments

This is probably the most brilliant virtual event that I’ve come across in quite some time, not because of who’s hosting it (although I adore him), but because of who’s NOT speaking at it.

Best selling author, Michael Port, announced a virtual event featuring 20 hours of free Book Yourself Solid secrets.

Huh? Michael’s giving away free virtual event content? Doesn’t he read my blog? So, I clicked on the link to find out more, troubled that my colleague and friend is falling into the freemium virtual event trap.

And what I found was pure genius.

The virtual event is called Book Yourself Solid Amplified and the speaking list isn’t a who’s who of the Internet marketing world. In fact, I only recognized three of the 20 names on the list.

What did Michael do that was so brilliant? The speakers on the roster are all Book Yourself Solid Coaches. Instead of filling his speakers’ list with the same faces appearing on every virtual event sales page out there, Michael invited his certified coaches to present on the following topics:

  • Creating your own information products
  • Website strategies that get you clients
  • Brand boosting online video
  • Name making product launches
  • Powerful public speaking
  • Modern social media marketing
  • Masterful networking strategies
  • Secrets of non-verbal communication
  • Bold branding strategies
  • Top notch client retention techniques
  • Perfect project plans
  • Cool client selection tricks
  • Perfect pricing strategies
  • Secrets to landing corporate gigs
  • Simple ways to work with family
  • Masterminding to keep motivated and inspired

Now, I can hear you saying…

“Well, Leesa, these topics are tried and true. What’s the big deal about these topics?”

And that’s what’s so brilliant about the Book Yourself Solid Amplified virtual event – I get to hear a different take on well-known topics by unknown or lesser known voices. I’m so excited to hear a different take on these topics that I registered my spot.

To make your virtual event stand out in a noisy marketplace, don’t choose speakers that are “everywhere.” Sometimes, overexposure of a brand or personality can do more harm than good.

When deciding who to invite to speak at your virtual event, ask yourself:

  1. Can any of my clients speak about the topics I want to profile at my virtual event? If yes, what can they speak about?
  2. Have I certified people recently? If yes, how can I build a virtual event around these experts?

(and no, none of the links above are affiliate links)

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  1. michaelport

    Thank you Lisa. I’m so pleased that you immediately got what I am doing with Book Yourself Solid Amplified. And praise for a virtual event coming from you means the world to me.


    • Leesa Barnes

      Awesome! Like I said on Twitter, you hit it out of the park with Amplified. I’m so happy to not only see that you were looking to refresh the telesummit strategy, but that you went ahead and did it. Bravo to you, my friend.