Expo Recap and Book Adventures

by | Oct 3, 2007 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

My friend, Lia Allen (pictured right) sent me an email a couple of days ago dying to know what happened at the Expo and how the book signing went.

Instead of typing up a lengthy, long email, we got on the phone and I recorded our interview. Lia is a natural at interviewing and would be perfect as a podcast host. I didn’t have to prepare any questions in advance and our conversation was just so natural. Listen to the interview and judge for yourself.

Lia asked me:

  • What interesting podcasts did I hear about
  • What was the wackiest podcast I discovered
  • What will I do to relax and have fun now that the book is ready for sale
  • What are the common mistakes that podcasters should avoid
  • Whether people should read the book right from the beginning or not

Listen or download the interview below.  Didn’t I tell you that Lia is a natural?

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  1. Joan

    Very good interview

  2. Cal Banyan

    It was great seeing you at the podcasting expo. I enjoyed the talk you did int the exhibitors area. I am the hypnotist with the site about The Secret Language of Feelings. You might remember me.

    Oh, and by the way I want to say that you looked great in that black dress, very elegant!

    Cal Banyan