Creative (Online) Promotion for Businesses of All Sizes

by | Apr 10, 2008 | Virtual Events & Telesummits

I’m leading a 3 hour workshop at the National Association of Broadcasters annual conference and I’ll be focusing on low cost online marketing tools. Here’s the deets:

Creative (Online) Promotion for Businesses of All Sizes
April 15, 2008 • 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Las Vegas Convention Center N259

Trying to break through the clutter and be heard? Learn successful techniques to promote your business to prospective customers. Many of these techniques work with little or no budget. Get your marketing plan recharged and attract new clients.

If you’ve got an example of someone who has used an online tool to promote their business, do share. I have a few case studies, but I’m always looking for more.

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